The Harsh And Threatening Community Spread Of Covid 19

Coronavirus has changed the chemistry of the world. No one ever imagined a world like this with restrictions at every corner and aspect of life. Who would have thought that social gatherings would be banned and you cannot even meet your relatives just because of the risk of infection. Never in the history mankind was shook to this extent. The world economy declined to new levels and major business players especially in the United States of America had to ask their loyal employees to resign due to lack of funds. It is the new normal and vaccination programs are quickly raising the hopes for a better life. America is a society of cultural diversity and many cultures came together as a united team to fight with corona virus. Indo Americans is a major community in American that has contributed significantly during good an the bad times of the country. Many indo Americans have caught the novel coronavirus and numerous have died due to this disease. Many indo Americans have reported that eve...